Anti-Slavery Statement

We are committed to ensuring there are no instances of modern slavery within our operations, including our supply chain, partnerships, and all aspects of business.  

Modern slavery is a violation of human rights. It is a crime in all its forms. We take clear steps to prevent slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, and compulsory labor through our zero-tolerance policy.  

About the Company 

Headquartered in Center, Texas, Portacool works with distributors in 50 US states and 56 countries. Over the last 34 years, since our launch in 1990, we have achieved consistent growth and continued to expand our product lines, positioning the brand as the global leader in portable evaporative cooling.  

As a global business leader, we adhere to the policies and standards set forth in each location where we have a presence. We fully vet our partners, vendors, and others to ensure that adherence is universal and ongoing.  

Adherence to UN Standards 

We adhere to principles 3-6 of the UN Global Impact:  

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; 

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor 

Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor 

Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 

Staff Considerations, Notifications, and Standards 

We ensure that our staff members are paid at least the minimum wage based on the requirements of their country of residence. Full transparency is provided throughout the recruitment process. Prospective team members are made aware that qualifications, skill, and experience are the key factors in determining employment regarding recruitment, placement, training and advancement of staff at all levels. 

Our team members are required (through secure reporting lines) to notify members of senior management should they have any concerns that modern slavery may be occurring within our organization or within our supply chain.  

Brand Pillars  

Portacool has five brand pillars. We apply this not only to our internal team, but also to the teams of anyone we do business with. All materials used in manufacturing our products are 100% USA sourced. Most of our products are made in the USA, but we do work with a Malaysian manufacturing facility to serve the Southeast Asian marketing with the same high-quality evaporative media, the same ethical standards, and the same values with which the brand has become associated.  

Those brand pillars are Safety & Liability, Total Cost of Ownership, Productivity & Performance, Sustainability & Social Responsibility, and Life & Comfort Enhancing Solutions.  

Whether it is our supply chains, our manufacturing facilities, or any partner, we work to ensure that those ideals and pillars are upheld.  

Section 54(1) 

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act of 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2025. This statement has been authorized and approved by the board of directors of Portacool.