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Are swamp coolers better than fans?: Get Expert Answers

April 22, 2022
Evaporative Cooling

Are swamp coolers better than fans? Chances are, if you are asking this question, you are trying to figure out how to cool a space that is incompatible with traditional air conditioning for some reason.

If you are looking to make yourself comfortable in an indoor or outdoor space without air conditioning, you’re likely considering a lot of options. The two most common options in these cases are fans and swamp coolers. In most cases, a “swamp cooler,” which is a slang term for an evaporative cooler, is a better choice. Let’s explore the best option for you.

Are Swamp Coolers Better Than Fans: Head-to-Head Comparison

Here are some comparisons between the two, discussing cooling, ventilation, portability, conditions, and environment, showing which form of cooling has an advantage in each.

Cooling: Advantage Swamp Cooler

If you are looking to cool down a space to make it more comfortable, a swamp cooler has the advantage over a fan.

That’s because an evaporative cooler will actually cool the air, unlike a fan, which just moves hot air around. In fact, a swamp cooler is highly effective at cooling and can drop the air temperature by up to 30° F.

It can easily take the temperature down from more than 90° F to a comfortable 75° F or lower. Fans, on the other hand, can’t cool the air at all and are only useful if you have access to a reservoir of cool air.

Ventilation: Tie

Both swamp coolers and fans are good at providing ventilation (definition) to an area.

Both are capable of sucking in outside air and forcing out the inside air. When appropriately sized for the space, they can provide good air turnover if you have a good airflow design throughout the area.

In both cases, you will need to size your fan or swamp cooler to the space to make sure you’re getting adequate air turnover.

Portability: Tie

Four people lounge by the pool near a swamp cooler that is lowering the temperature.

Portacool evaporative cooler drops the temperature for a comfortable day by the pool.

When determining whether swamp coolers are better than fans for a cooling solution that you can take with you, both can be highly portable.

You might think it is unfair to call this a tie because when you think of a portable fan, you imagine something small, but when you think of a swamp cooler, you likely imagine the big box on top of a house.

However, the truth is that if you are comparing a swamp cooler and a fan that moves the same amount of air, you are looking at items that are comparable in size. If you want to move a lot of air, you need a big fan, which isn’t any more portable than an evaporative cooler capable of moving the same amount of air.

Portable cooling units can be rather petite, as well, like the Portacool APEX™ 500, which stands only 46 inches tall, 19.5 inches deep, and 18 inches wide but can cool up to 500 square feet of space.

Both need access to an electrical outlet. A swamp cooler benefits from having water, but this can either come from a portable water jug or a local water hookup like a garden hose.

Dry Conditions: Advantage Swamp Cooler

If you are looking to be more comfortable in a dry area, a swamp cooler has the advantage of adding moisture to the air. This helps you avoid dry, cracked skin and lips. It also just helps you feel more comfortable, as the moistened air can take more heat from your body.

No Fresh Air Access: Advantage Fan

If you are trying to make an area more comfortable but don’t have access to fresh air, such as in an enclosed space, a swamp cooler might not be your best choice.

Evaporative coolers use heat from the air to evaporate water. If you’re in an enclosed space and have to recirculate air that isn’t being warmed, the evaporative cooler will be less efficient, as it recirculates the already cooled and humidified air.

Learn the Benefits of Portacool Evaporative Coolers

So, are swamp coolers better than fans? The answer is, in open areas with fresh air that you want to make cooler and more comfortable, yes, they are.

If you are considering getting a large fan for an outdoor application or a large, open building, consider an evaporative cooler. Portacool APEX™ portable evaporative coolers are more effective than large fans at making an area cooler and more comfortable. Since 1990, Portacool has been made in the US, and we offer best-in-class warranties and customer service

To choose the best Portacool model for your application, please visit a local or online retailer today.