People don’t work as well when the temperature rises. When temperatures approach 100°F, worker productivity is only 70% of what it was at 80°F. Workers are more likely to make more mistakes in hot conditions. One NASA study showed that people might make as many as 12X more mistakes at 95°F than they make at 80°F. You cannot risk making mechanical errors that might cause injury to a driver as they leave your shop. These mistakes can cost time, resources, and money. At best, they waste time and resources. At worst, they destroy your shop’s all-important reputation or expose you to lawsuits.
In higher temperatures, OSHA recommends workers might have to rest for 45 minutes or more out of each working hour. If yours is like most shops, you are charging by the task, not by the hour, so neither you nor your employees benefit from breaks and are inclined to power through. That industrious attitude is awesome but at too great a cost to job satisfaction, safety, and warranty claims. To combat this, you start your day early and take breaks as needed, but customers all seem to need their cars fixed yesterday! You feel compelled to work longer hours creating potentially unsafe conditions. Portacool provides an inexpensive solution that is perfectly designed for an automotive shop.