Portacool Blog
Expert Tips, Industry Trends, and Cooling Know-How

Made in America

July 2, 2020
CorporateNewsWarehouse & Industrial


America’s birthday is almost here. This weekend we’ll celebrate Independence Day – the 244th birthday of our nation. Here at Portacool, we are particularly proud that all of our products are made in the USA. For three decades, our company has manufactured Portacool branded portable evaporative coolers in Center, Texas.

As a renowned global provider of portable evaporative cooling solutions, our customers count on us as a trusted resource. Now more than ever, our domestic production has allowed us to continue providing reliable sourcing, quality manufacturing, and outstanding customer service to ensure customers get the cooling they need when they need it – including on the patio or by the grill for Independence Day celebrations!

Being made in the USA gives us several distinct advantages that benefit our customers. For instance, when global issues arise – weather, pandemics, political unrest – it can impact operations. One small Portacool Evaporative Coolersproblem can quickly ripple into massive issues not only for retailers but also for end-users. Choosing partners that focus on domestic-sourced parts and products not only strengthens our country and our ability to provide jobs, it also reduces disruptions. This ensures you have the products you need to meet customer demands without being at the mercy of global events.

It also means our inventory is ready to ship, sell, and use quickly. Our world-class distribution, proven logistical capabilities, and impeccable customer service are second to none. The Texas-based team stands at the ready to provide utmost customer satisfaction – from our retail and distribution partners to homeowners and businesses. We take pride in the fact that when you work with Portacool, you have a partner, not a team that sells a product and walks away.

Recently our CEO, Ben Wulf, was pleased to be interviewed as part of a customer’s Innovation Series focused on Made in the USA. Silent-Aire featured our evaporative media to highlight the Made in the USA manufacturing process during COVID-19. Here’s a great example of our unwavering commitment to our customers.
