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Join Portacool in honoring military appreciation month
Over the past year, we have experienced a tremendous amount of stress and pressure at home due to COVID-19. As we quarantined ourselves, often feeling stranded within our own homes, we struggled to figure out our new circumstances and how to survive. We showed our appreciation to the doctors, nurses, grocery store cashiers, and essential employees who worked the front lines in this historic pandemic. And this May, which is Military Appreciation Month, is an excellent opportunity to remember another group who served and protected our country despite the pandemic: the servicemen and women in the United States Military.
According to the Department of Defense, in December 2020, the United States had 1,371,627 permanently assigned service members, with 170,026 of those members stationed overseas. Many of these service members remained overseas or quarantined away from their family and loved ones, particularly at the beginning of the pandemic, due to the virus and related travel restrictions. However, despite this added pressure and stress, they continued to serve.
This month is the perfect time to give our thanks to those who are serving in the military both abroad and at home. Here are some special ways you can show your appreciation to our servicemen and women:
- Send a care package to overseas U.S. service members filled with fun games, snacks, and personal letters to remind them of home.
- Help a local military family. Do you know someone whose spouse or parent is overseas? Make an offer to the adult in the household to help with a few chores or home improvement projects!
- Support a local military-owned business. With the impact of COVID, small businesses need our support now more than ever. In honor of Military Appreciation Month, find a small business that is military-owned as well.
Here at Portacool, we are proud supporters of the United States military. In honor of Military Appreciation Month, our team would like to share the following messages with the men and women serving our country:
“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks!” On behalf of everyone at Portacool, we would like to say ‘Thank You’ to our military servicemen and women for all your sacrifices and making The United States of America the greatest country on this planet.”– Ben Wulf, President and CEO at Portacool, LLC
“My father was a Army Specialist in the US Army (buried at the Dallas-Fort Worth National cemetery) and my father-in-law was a Major in the US Air Force. Thank you for your courage, dedication and for keeping us safe at home and abroad! God bless.” – Rodney Roderick II, Chief Financial Officer at Portacool, LLC
“To all the servicemen and women out there – thank you! Your dedication and service to our nation has not gone unnoticed. Our appreciation for you and your families knows no bounds. We promise continuing support from East Texas.” – Laurie King, Human Resources Director at Portacool, LLC
“Thank you to all military servicemen, women, and families. Your sacrifices and commitment to serving our country are commendable. We appreciate everything you do and want to take this moment to honor you and your families.” – Shane Cupp, Vice President of Sales at Portacool, LLC