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Portacool Blog
Portacool 30th anniversary spotlight – Ben Wulf
Founded in 1990, Portacool is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. To give you a view into what makes the leader in evaporative cooling tick, we’re spotlighting long-time employees and a few that have made a big impact in a short time to share their memories, experiences and perspectives during their time with the company.
Name: Ben Wulf
Role: President and CEO
Years at Portacool: 19 years
How has Portacool grown in the last 5 years?
In the past 5 years, we have witnessed the company transform from a manufacturing company to a technologically based manufacturing company. We have built a team that supports the mission of becoming the global leader in evaporative cooling technologies and look forward to much more exciting growth in the future.
From your perspective, what would you say have been Portacool’s greatest accomplishments?
Building Portacool Park for our community was truly amazing. Through this donation, we get a chance to positively influence our community daily. I enjoy driving by the park and watching community members of all ages utilizing the park for sports, birthdays, holidays, church functions, and more. As we like to say, “we didn’t just make an impression, we made an impact.” Hopefully, that impact will be felt for years to come. Who knows, maybe a phase 2 in the future?
What makes Portacool a unique company?
Simple, our culture! We put our team members, along with their physical and emotional safety, first. This is expressed in every decision, action, and investment that is made daily. I cannot imagine another company that cares more about their team and their well-being than we do here at Portacool.
How do you envision Portacool in the future?
I foresee the future to be very similar to our past. And by that I mean we will continue to listen to our customers and let their needs drive our forward strategy. Their collective voices will fuel our mission to deliver cooling products, solutions, and technologies they need.