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Portacool Blog
Portacool 30th anniversary spotlight – Juana Suarez
Founded in 1990, Portacool is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. To give you a view into what makes the leader in evaporative cooling tick, we’re spotlighting long-time employees and a few that have made a big impact in a short time to share their memories, experiences and perspectives during their time with the company.
Name: Juana Suarez
Role: Portacool Plastics Finisher
Years at Portacool: 13 years
What initially drew you to Portacool? How did you first get involved with Portacool?
I needed a job and many people around told me that Portacool was a great place to work and they were right!
What is your favorite thing about working at Portacool?
I really like my job. My bosses and coworkers are all great. I love the environment and the benefits – the company is very good to their workers. These days there are not many companies – at least around here – that will pay for employee insurance. Portacool does and it is a wonderful thing to have!
What is your favorite memory from your time at Portacool so far?
Years ago, I won a television at the one of the company events. It was such an exciting thing! It is also so nice for the company to do things like that for the employees. It really motivates us all to work hard each day and keep coming back day to day.