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Portacool Blog
Proud to partner with the national FFA organization
Portacool, LLC is proud to partner with the National FFA Organization to serve as a state sponsor in California, Florida, and Texas. Since 2016, Portacool has provided monetary support along with product donations to deserving FFA chapters.
This year, we selected 12 chapters to receive a $1,000 monetary donation and a Portacool Cyclone product for chapter usage relative to efforts such as keeping animals cool or unairconditioned workshop environments bearable.
The chapters to receive the Portacool, LLC Grant include:
- Stockton-Weston Ranch FFA – Stockton, CA
- Tulare FFA – Tulare, CA
- Upper Lake FFA – Upper Lake, CA
- Escondido FFA – Escondido, CA
- Northview FFA – Bratt, FL
- Ferguson FFA Jr – Miami, FL
- Brooksville Sr. FFA – Brooksville, FL
- Silver Sands – Port Orange, FL
- Sudan FFA – Sudan, TX
- South San Antonio FFA – San Antonio, TX
- Rio Hondo FFA – Rio Hondo, TX
- Hillsboro FFA – Hillsboro, TX
Our team is thrilled to support the learning opportunities the FFA provides students, and we look forward to sharing their success and feedback in the coming year.
Pictured above, the Upper Lake FFA. “Today we received our Portacool Cyclone 140! We were lucky enough to be awarded the Portacool chapter grant that included this beauty and $1000 chapter grant!”