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Portacool Blog
The “New Normal” of travel: Keeping your guests cool this summer
While COVID-19 has affected every industry across the globe this past year, the hotel and hospitality industries were undoubtedly hit the hardest. According to research from McKinsey & Company, it could take two years or more for the industry to return to pre-COVID levels of business. However, with travel increasing this summer, the industry is rebounding, and it is more important than ever that hotels, resorts, bed and breakfasts, and Airbnb hosts keep their guests’ health in mind.
Aside from COVID-19 protocols, the summer heat means you must also consider your guests’ hydration and ability to stay cool throughout their stay – especially in regions with temperatures higher than what your guests are accustomed to experiencing. Whether your guests are business professionals returning to work or families anxious to travel after quarantine, you can provide ways of cooling and hydration that work for everyone.
Make sure to encourage your guests to stay hydrated and offer plenty of cold drink options – most importantly, water. Your guests will need to stay hydrated, and they might not always remember to keep water on hand, particularly when caught up in the excitement of travel. Keep their health top of mind by offering complimentary water bottles as they lounge by the pool or return from a hot afternoon touring your city.
Complimentary Guest Offerings
Get creative with your complimentary guest offerings this summer. There are multiple ways to help your guests beat the heat in addition to offering water. Offer cold towels by the pool. Or, for something they can use after their stay, provide branded paper or mini cell phone fans they can carry everywhere, from your property to activities and meetings throughout your city.
Portable Cooling
Explore evaporative cooling options to provide on property, such as Portacool portable evaporative coolers. Not only are they intuitive and cost-effective, the coolers’ use of the natural process of evaporation to create cool air means your guests can enjoy a cooler space – without using too much energy. There are several places you can use a portable cooler to benefit your guests, including:
- Poolside or cabanas. Make guests feel extra special by offering portable evaporative coolers as a VIP option.
- Outdoor seating or restaurant patios. Encourage your guests to enjoy beautiful views while relaxing or eating without the risk of overheating.
- Weddings on property. Offer use of a portable evaporative cooler to the bride and groom as a way to keep their guests cool while celebrating.
As summertime approaches and travel returns, it is important to make sure your guests stay healthy and cool so they can enjoy their stay with you. No matter the setting of your property – beachside or mountaintop – Portacool portable evaporative coolers can help you keep your guests cool while also providing you an effective, energy-efficient solution you can run all day. For more information on Portacool evaporative cooler options that will work for your property, visit our product page.