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Portacool Blog
Tips to avoid heat stress this summer
At Portacool, we often focus on industrial cooling and heat safety relative to work environments. We also think enjoying fun in the sun is one of the great pastimes of summer when you are at home though.
Just as it is important to protect yourself from the sun and hot weather while you are working outdoors or in high temps, it is also just as important when you are “playing.” Normally, the body cools itself by sweating, but when the weather is particularly hot and humid, you may not sweat enough to keep yourself cool. When your body temperature increases too much, heat-related illnesses can occur. These range from minor irritations like heat rash or cramps, to potentially deadly conditions like heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
Here are a few things you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe this summer:
- Choose your outdoor time wisely. Whenever possible, avoid spending time outside during the hottest parts of the day, which is typically noon to 5 p.m. Choose outdoor activities you can enjoy in the early morning or evening, such as grilling and dining al fresco or going for a walk.
- Keep everyone hydrated. When the weather is hot, it is more important than ever to ensure everyone in the family – from children and pets to parents and grandparents – gets enough water. While outdoors, be sure to have ample bottled water on hand and don’t forget to keep your pet’s bowl filled with fresh, clean water — and give him plenty of opportunities to drink — while outdoors.
- Leverage cooling technology to make outdoor spaces more comfortable. Sometimes, you have to be outside during hotter times of the day. Keeping cool is key. Evaporative cooling uses the natural process of evaporation to make outdoor spaces more comfortable during hot weather. Portacool portable evaporative coolers move water through our custom-made evaporative media to produce cooled air. This can make outdoor spaces such as the patio, deck, barn, or garage more enjoyable during the hot months.
- Seek shade. If your patio or deck isn’t covered, use movable umbrellas or awnings to create plenty of shade. Going to a ballgame or the beach? Take an umbrella to shield you from the sun or wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off your face.
- Choose weather-smart attire. When the weather’s very hot and the sun is bright, choose loose-fitting clothing made from lightweight materials and opt for lighter colors. This type of clothing will be more comfortable when you sweat, and lighter colors reflect heat more efficiently. If you will be working outdoors for any length of time, consider long-sleeved shirts and long pants in moisture-wicking materials to help shield your skin from sun exposure.
We cannot prevent heat during the summer, but taking a little time to plan ahead when you know you or those you care about will be outdoors for extended periods can save your health and your summer.