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What sets evaporative cooling apart from other cooling methods?
This week, as the heat keeps the Southwest and Southern Plain in 100+ degree conditions, cooling solutions will be particularly needed.
Since 1990, Portacool has provided practical, effective cooling solutions for areas that typically could not be cooled by air conditioning. Unlike an air conditioner, evaporative cooling works with the ambient air and water to provide cooling. Here’s how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?=2yqEJw4FXW8.
This means our evaporative coolers provide chilled air without refrigerants and without mist. It is a cost-effective way (operating for pennies an hour) to achieve cooling in large open spaces or outdoors on the patio or in the garage.
Do you have more questions? Check out FAQs or contact our customer service team at 1-800-695-2942.